Women and Communication

Nonverbal Biases When Interviewing

Mar. 31, 2016 by

Sitting for lunch today at the ever-so-hip Soho House in Berlin, I was having a conversation today with a client about interview training.  Tomorrow is going to be the company’s first ever interview session (they planned 20 minutes) and when I


Design Thinking & Hiring

Mar. 16, 2016 by

http://recruitingsocial.com/2016/02/designing-thinking-the-hiring-process/ Applying Design Thinking to your Hiring Process – Interview with Suzanne Hamill, VP Design Thinking @ Fidelity Investments Is there room to apply design thinking and experimentation into the process of recruiting new employees? We try to apply it

Recruitment KPIs

Numbers Don’t Lie:
4 Modern Recruitment KPIs

Mar. 15, 2016 by

In Berlin, when people want to work through problems or want to brainstorm an idea, you meet for coffee.  I had a conversation yesterday with a Berlin HQ e-commerce company about a large inter-department challenge concerning which Key Performance Indicators


Open Source HR – Launch of Quahog

Mar. 8, 2016 by

Welcome to Quahog!  Today is not only “International Women’s Day” but the day that I launch Quahog online.  I am thrilled for you to be reading these pages and want to share my story about what inspired me to create